Online Counselling

What is different about RBR Counselling

Over the past 22 years Rapid Behavioural Reconditioning or RBR has been developing into a new and remarkably effective form of therapy based upon the latest neural scientific research. RBR is founded upon empirical studies and brain imaging that show how the brain actually works. Now that we can see the brain at work, we no longer need to hold on the antiquated and unsubstantiated models that have dominated psychotherapy and counselling.

RBR is principally about the states of mind and of being that we unconsciously create. We create these states for a purpose and everything we do has meaning. RBR enables us to examine the resources available to the state and to ask what is its purpose. These resources are mental, emotional and physical. RBR looks closely into each of these resources and how they impact upon one another.

State creation becomes a habit and we can become stuck in these habitual states, such as unhappiness, depression, irritability or anger. Unconsciously each state is trying to achieve a specific purpose. Neural circuits are created and hard wired together and they contain the thoughts, feelings and physiology of that particular state.

These neural circuits become activated at time to time and run in our minds and become conditioned and strengthened through use and, thereby, become habitual, conditioned and therefore automatic. The purpose of the state remains unconscious whilst the circuits are being run, leaving us feeling powerless and confused as a result.

RBR helps us understand the purpose of these unconsciously created states by bringing them into our conscious awareness. By bringing previously unconscious intentions into consciousness RBR rapidly reconditions the behaviour so that it is finally heard and understood or therefore implemented or stopped altogether.

RBR is about immediacy. It is phenomenological and about the unique person presenting now and reveals the very truth at the core of their therapy. The unique, individual truth. When the client hears this truth they know it to be true. RBR explains and brings into the light what's really been going on in their minds. Clients see and recognise their truth instead of being told what to believe they become more aware of the workings of their minds and can see and recognise it for themselves and therefore can consciously choose new and empowering ways of being in the world. RBR is not about clever methods or techniques, instead simply grounded in the truth that sets us free.

RBR is fast, easy and permanent. During an RBR session it’s not necessary to go over and over the past, digging up and re examining painful events. It is virtually content free and therefore, not a lengthy, drawn out process. In just six sessions remarkable progress is made. It may be hard to believe and you may be sceptical but just read the testimonials and hear what my clients have to say.